Birth Name:Keeley Rebecca M. Hazell
Birth Date:18 September 1986
Birth Place:Lewisham, London, England
Heigt:5 ft. 6 in.
Nationality:British (GB)
Profession:actress, model
Keeley Hazell Biography
She attended the Ravensbourne School in Bromley. Its so Eltern are separated in 1999 and an encore She Two Sisters, Georgia and Roxanne. She was 16 when she became non Barber, but left soon Pour Jump to Lewisham College.

Keeley Hazell EST face of Formula One 06 video games for the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and F1 CE Pour 3 PlayStati Konsole.
Anhänger of Years, It involved a summer in two Unfälle car, the UN Vorfall ou football player Joe Cole, summer and not beat sex tape scandal involving her son and she ex-boyfriend Lloyd Miller.
Keeley Hazell
Keeley Hazell
Keeley Hazell
Keeley Hazell
Keeley Hazell
Keeley Hazell
Keeley Hazell
Keeley Hazell